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  • Well, Basically I'm done with this server because there are too many hackers and another reason is that there is hardly any staff on. If I count the hackers I see daily on Dancraft I can't even say the number because it's too big.msnd they never check my mute appeal because they're 'apparently' busy with other stuff what's totally bs.

    Dancraft is toxic gg
  • GG Bye Buddy......
  • ^This is why some people don't like you
  • Nuuuuu chivvy,Chivvers ples dont leave,Yes there are sadly many hackers on Dc,And staff can be a bit busy sometimes but it doesn't mean u have to leave :-(
  • @TheUglyDuckling Cya nerd
    @TheUglyPig little Hot shot, scum of the Earth
    @GamingWithCarms busy? lmao, they're just too lazy to take action, and there are too many hackers, example.
    everytime I jump out to pvp every 10 seconds there appears another hacker
    And people on the server are toxic

    The toxic part gg
  • No chivvy, you arn't fucking leaving. Every fucking person is leaving rn. FUCK SHIT MY LIFE (LMAO <)
  • Dancraft's staff are never on, there's basically none, if you want to quit I don't blame you, the staff are always incognito and the hackers have bypasses, the anti-hack-bypass is a load of rubbish, if they paid for it it must be a prank, don't you think?
  • @BritishTeen true lelelle
    @Ajdhd fite me Irl <5
  • Noo Chivaro!! dont quit dude!
  • My copy and pasting reptilian brother don't leave pls

  • Whoa, Chivaro's comment was removed.