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/fix all and fix sign
  • It will be very helpful is you guys put /fix all for ranked players. Because /fix just is slow. but there should be a good amount of time on it.
    Gold: 24 hours
    Diamonds: 12 hours
    Emerald: 6 hours
    Obsidian: 3

    fix hand sign. In the shop you guys should add a /fix hand sign for players that do not have ranks or people that have fix a set of gear ASAP. So you add a fix hand sign. Its should cost around 75k.

    And all of this stuff should be in all the servers.

    Thank you
  • Agreed :D Thanks for your amazing suggestion!
  • I hope they don't add this it would break everything people would never die...
  • SSbBeforeBan I jump down with 2 sets anyways so armor breaking is still going to be the same. Its just a faster and efficient way to fix.
  • SSbBeforeBan, that WONT happen, as Dan/Kubs/The Coder has made it so you CANT do commands in combat. :D
    I Agree with you BananaJasper
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