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I think this is goodbye
  • Well guys I have been playing dancraft since December 2015 until now and i have decided to leave dancraft as I have been getting very bored on the server recently with people tp glitching all my bedrock vaults and people hacking and also the server is 1.8 and i absolutely hate 1.8 for pvp.
    I have made so many friends on this server i can not name all of them as there is so many but if i ever do come back to dancraft i will let you know so yeah i guess this is goodbye guys.

    It has been fun.

  • Goodbye, loved playing Ulti with you, on the stream :D
  • Nice knowing you man! <3
  • Bye, i Remember When you joined and were Goldrank we played Kitpvp together that was fun.
  • Plz, don't leave!!
  • Curty, my man! Will miss ya a lot bro <3 Cya in the future :)<br />
    Good old days when i used to be on ur PvP team <33333 <br />
    Cya man Tasic <3<br />