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  • Hello folks, I am banned from Dancraft. It dosen't say clearly why i am banned but i think i know why.
    I can admit that i hacked on an Alt called Rumpa, And im really sorry for that. So i think i got Ip banned or somethig i dont know.
    This is like a farwell to my friends on Dancraft, i hope you all had a good time with me.
    I'll miss you all.
    So i guess that i wasted too much money on this server for nothing, since im banned. Of course i want to come back and play with my friends again. without Any Client. But im sure that Kubsz or Dan wont let me join so yeah, Have fun without me.
  • Kubsz i dont understand this http://prntscr.com/acex8p
  • TjackPundareN is not my account...
  • D: rip everyone is like rip I'm like rip shes like rip I'm like D.: