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Give me a second chance :'(
  • Kubsz, I do admit it that I was using a ghost client to get a advantage at pvping and than I realised "Why cheat when you can play legit" and than I thought about it when I was pvping on other servers and I said to myself that "Why did I cheated I just wasted 45.00 USD to get myself Obsidian rank on the dancraft network" that is when I started playing the game legit, no more hacked clients on my desktop or versions folder or downloads folder all erased and ready to be playing dancraft again but I tried lieying about I was not hacking or using illegal modifications on the dancraft network and I regret all the bad things I have done to the dancraft network and I also regret for killing all the people on the server with my ghost client that I was using, so please give me a second chance Kubsz or Dans, cause I see a lot of other people getting second chances and I just want to be on the dancraft network back again, you can even make me go back to 0 with Obsidian rank on the server so that I will have my punishment of using a ghost client on the dancraft network.

    Please Kubsz or Dans give me a second chance :'(