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Clash Royale Players Who NEED A CLAN
  • Clan Name: TheScoobyNoobys
    Clan Score: 1429
    Donations/week: 0 {Barely started}
    Required Trophies: 800
    Location: International
    Clan Tag : #P9JY09Q
    1. All new players must be level 6 or higher and have at least 1000 trophies.
    2.Elders and Co-leaders are allowed to invited friends that do not meet the requirements.
    3.Everyone must speak English to join.
    1. In order to be a co-leader, you must average 200+ donations a week. It helps to be friends with an existing co-leader or to be one of the founding members.
    2. Elder is given for being active and having 100+ donations a week.
    3. Being an elder in our Clash of Clans clan will not get you automatic elder. You must earn it
    4. Demotions and/or the boot will be given for not having at least 30 donations a week
    5. Don't ask for promotions.
  • lol i would join but im in my schools clan and i donate like 500 per week for them so no rip