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Friend Glicthed
  • My friend (Lancellyo) recently joined DanCraft SkyBlock and was messing around at /warp crates jumping around etc. All was fine until he suddenly got glicthed to the side of a glass pane that's at the center of /warp crates two blocks high. He was kicked for flying (does not have a rank) and every time he joins SkyBlock he gets kicked for flying. Any help? Image link below.
  • You go to wait like 4 hours. Then we will be unstuck. I got stuck in factions.
  • No, my friend has been stuck for over 24 hours and gets kicked immediately (after the terrain is done downloading) for "flying," even though he isn't.
  • Ok here is what you do. I can see that that top glass pane is a 1.9 glass pane. The server anti cheat still supports 1.8. So just have your friend log into 1.8 and go out of the pane. then login back to 1.9 Easy
  • noone caress!!!
  • When ever i get on the Prison server i get kicked from flying/other reasons but what is happening is that i am glitched on the glass pane on the right side of the shop and i cant type anything to get to my plot or spawn. I really need help getting out or i cant play this server ever again!