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  • I wanted to make another thread in this topic because the last one did not have all the ideas and wasn't very well structured. So basically what I said in my last thread was:
    - That it would be awesome if you could bring the skywars back ;
    - But after the comments suggested new ideas such as adding DanGames, ZombieHouse and Brackets, which I found great ideas, I decided to add them to my list aswell ;
    - I also think that, if you end up actually bringing Skywars, you should make it not so "pay2win". (Suggested by Jaasmine)

    These are some of my ideas that I think will greatly improve the variety of gamemodes this server has to offer and that would make the server much more competitive, in a good way, of course.

    PS: Sorry for any misspelled words, I did my best to make this as understandable as possible.
  • Bleach, can you do me a favor and post this exact same post in a new thread. Because people really don't care about me :\