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  • Mineplex is a bigger server than Dancraft so why can't we apply for staff here?
  • Good luck amigo
  • Except that the mods in Mineplex are abusive as fuck.
  • and Kubsz and Dan have things under control
  • Under control ? We are muted for 8+ days if we say something wrong and the only thing we can do to make it less long is paying 8$. Also, there is a shit tons of hacker in the server + the old player are all quitting. I dont think we can call this under control.
  • lol El_Goat_Beeeeeeeh nothing is under control, staff does not reply to our posts and are barely ever on, there is so much hackers on the pvp servers as well. Lol they need to hire some staff that will actually be on daily and help people out.
  • Message removed by administrator
  • Ummm for me all the hackers are in ulti
  • Message removed by administrator
  • Message removed by administrator
  • OPPvP trash so many hackers
  • If they would let people apply for staff we'd have some guy become staff, perm ban everyone he hates, and higher staff wouldn't know for atleast a month, theres to much bias and hate for this to work out.