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  • Hello Dan and Kubsz!

    I've seen that the anti cheat have started banning more and more hackers and were all happy about that. But my good friend (Ign arimaster500) got banned when he tried out to jitter click and he got around 15 cps (15 clicks per sec). Arimaster500 is a good friend of mine and he would never hack i've known him for a long time and he's a nice guy. I've talked to arimaster500 after all this happend and he told me all what happend so please unban him <3.<br />
    Dan and Kubsz i hope you read this and unban arimaster500 because he isn't hacking, he was clicking fast so the anti cheat system thought he was hacking and banned him. Please unban him, he even got a rank on Dancraft and got banned because he clicks fast. Hope you understand this "bug" and unban him. //Krabban03

    Arimaster500 hope you see this bro and get unbanned <3 We all want you unbanned, everyone knows you're nice guy and that you arent hacking and you would never do. <3<br />
    //Krabb <3<3<3
  • Dan never responds or gives a damn. The end.