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I lost my 64 diamond blocks when I checked my enderchest!
  • Hello, and I am very mad about this problem with the enderchest glitch. I would like for someone to please give me those 64 diamond blocks back, because I did not give them to anyone else, or delete them. I would like someone to fix this bug, and retrieve my 64 diamond blocks back.
  • Please make sure to report this to Kubz.
  • R00tB33rMan you are lucky, I lost 64 diamonds blocks on ULTI 2 seperate times, seperating me from 128 shiny diamond blocks.
  • Ooo unlucky for you
    I lost on ulti 8 dia keys and 3 prot 6 sets and 2 stacks dia blocks on te clitch
    I never can get it back

    Dancraft is pure scam in this way
    You buy for something a lote of money and it just dissapear
  • I think I lost my clownfish or something on Ulti.