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Infinite money
  • I have found a way for infinite money, would reveal in exchange for a premium rank.
    You cant debug when you dont know whats bugged :p
  • They'd never give you premium rank over something like this, they'd just ban you.
  • Also if this is true then get yourself infinite money with this so called "bug" that is probably just a load of bullshit.
  • Message removed by administrator
  • Da_Punisher, first of all, he doesn't. And secondly, I've just seen a video of you hacking, quit being a hypocrite and just enjoy the server.
  • Step 1: Get 1$
    Step 2: Get an alt or a friend
    Step 3: Spam /pay altsname 1
    Step 4: Get banned for exploiting a bug
    Step 5: Cry
  • You just basically set yourself up for a ban. GG, man.