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Lost 8 dia KEYS..........On ulti
  • The clitch is back on Ulti
    I was on a weekend trip and i come back to my dancraft ulti
    I look in my echest boom there goes my 8 dia keys
    I payd some weeks ago 14 dia keys and now i have only 1 left and i spend it and get 8 dia blocks.
    But i want my 8 keys back
    I know the staff cannot do something about it
    but rly this is soo gay you spend money for extra stuff in the game
    and its gone. and im not even te only one whit this problem

    Staff everybody is walking whit this fix it you know how much poaple are losing there good stuff by a stupid echest

    If you cannot fix it do not let poaple pay for keys/dias that are gonna be gone in a amount of weeks
    Stop this clitch its kinda like scam for us
  • We require proof of you owning them for us to return them to you.
  • @Xaoz_ Quit mini-modding.