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Dancraft's Future, Summer Sale & More
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  • fuck you,you faggot fuck fucker fuckness fuckboi (lol)
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  • Dancraft will be ending soon due to EULA. Please follow the correct server format. Mojang will blacklist it.....

    ( @admin , @kubsz )

  • Is Dancraft restarting so i will lose moneys and island??
  • Then i don't wanna play Dancraft anymore!!!
  • @fotballandreas he's just saying that Dancraft's probably ending. Because of EULA, pay to win servers are going down. The EULA states that you aren't allowed to make money from the game, which would put many currently popular servers in violation of the terms of use, such as Dancraft. Minus the popular part. Dan made the server for profit, and if he can't profit off of it, there's no point in hosting it. He can either sell the server to someone else or just shut it down. Since Dancraft isn't exactly a popular server EULA might not apply to it, but I'm not sure.
  • Thanks for your report, player has been issued a sanction.

    Thanks for informing us, the issue will be resolved soon.

    Insufficient evidence, thread closed.

    I've removed the item from the AuctionHouse.

    No matter who you said it to, swearing warrants a mute.

    You were muted for spamming on Ulti.

    The video is inaccessible.

    I'm sorry this shit is TOO funny
  • @Tina87 The part about not making money off the game... That's a little bit over-exaggerated. Here, make sure you read the entire page.

  • @Tina87

    Or if you're too lazy... Then I'll explain a little bit. So basically, in that Q & A, Mojang explains that as long as whatever you sell for 'hard currency' (real money, like USD or British pounds) that does not affect gameplay change, is allowed to be sold. For example, in-game commands, hats, prefix/suffixes, colored names, etc., are allowed. So it really means that you can only sell things that are purely cosmetic - if you want to sell those items for hard currency, or real money. You can still sell things that affect gameplay changes for 'soft currency', or money that only exists in-game - like the money that you see and use in /bal. Otherwise, selling things that affect gameplay for real money is not allowed.
  • And the guy that answered the EULA Q&A has the same name as me!
  • @Tsuchikage I didn't bother to read the whole thing, and I got that piece of information directly from the Mojang site, so it actually isn't overexaturated considering it's their words.
  • @Tina87 Did they straight out say that you cannot sell a single thing, no matter what it is, cosmetic, rank, etc. etc., for a single dollar of real money in servers?
  • @Tina87 I'm not contradicting what you said, but it seems sketchy to me.
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  • DAN add more staff members

    - acidbeatz ;p
  • @Tsuchikage I was wrong about not being able to profit off the game, but there are limits as to what you can profit on. Dancraft still goes against some rules of the EULA. "You are allowed to sell in-game items so long as they don’t affect gameplay
    We don’t mind you selling items in game, but they must be purely cosmetic. Pets, hats, and particle effects are OK, but swords, invincibility potions, and man-eating pigs are not. We want all players to be presented with the same gameplay features, whether they decide to pay or not." Kits in Skyblock, Factions and OP PvP go against this considering their kits have stronger weapons and armor than what members get in their kits, which does affect gameplay. "You cannot charge real-world cash for in-game currency." I'm not sure if Dancraft still does this but at some point (maybe they still do this), you could buy in-game money for real-world money, which does go against the EULA. Now, I don't think EULA will apply to Dancraft considering it's such a small server but some things need to change.
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  • @Tina87 Ah, got it! Thanks!
  • Thanks for your report, player has been issued a sanction.

    Thanks for informing us, the issue will be resolved soon.

    Insufficient evidence, thread closed.

    I've removed the item from the AuctionHouse.

    No matter who you said it to, swearing warrants a mute.

    You were muted for spamming on Ulti.

    The video is inaccessible.

    I'm sorry this shit is TOO funny
  • “I’m Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I’ve learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door.”
  • @xXGreemKingXx I used to watch that show all the time.
  • It's been a while good to see you're back.
  • I'm back :D but the anti cheat still doesn't work that well, so please take that in to consideration :D
  • fuck off greem this shits getting old
  • Mods and i would volunteer and add hunger games
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  • How is Trump going to save us? The problem isn't Muslims. The minority are terrorists, every religion has its fanatics. Once these illegals get deported they're going to be left without homes. Imagine that was you. No one deserves that. And yes, he is racist. I don't know why you decided to talk politics on a Minecraft forums but you're just showing everyone what kind of person you really are. Not someone people would want to interact with or have anything to do with.
  • @Tina87 I think you're taking it a lil too seriously... He's just kidding around.
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  • @Tsuchikage, damn... you're right. I did take it too seriously. He was just kidding around. I should lighten up. I just never knew racist and suicidal remarks were funny :( But now that I read it again, it's actually quite hysterical!
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  • good job @Tina87 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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