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Dancraft's Future, Summer Sale & More
  • Well thank god! Please add some of the old servers back (Example: Creative)
  • @Cryblood_Wolf you do realize how long ago this post was made?
  • R.I.P Dancraft 2k15/2k17.
  • Sapphire, I really get what your saying, This server used to be so fun and interesting. It's all The "False Bans" That did wreck it I was a victim of them too. I Wish we could revive it but everyone that commented on here If we all could work on one server at a time, I believe it would actually work.. We Will not give up hope! Everyday lets make a effort to spend 10 minutes at LEAST! Lets start With Ulti, Factions, or Skyblock. Thanks Love <3,<br />
  • Yeah, I really do think that you need to make more of an effort than you have done, Dan, sure you have to have your breaks but this no longer seems like a break. Please, come back to the server and try and revive it, I know you're in their and you are still trying to but try and spend more time on it every day.
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