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The Killer Hole In Skyblock
  • Before I say anything I'd like to say do not close this report just because I don't have a screenshot or video. I mean after you hear what it's about it's pretty easy to fix. Alright time to actually report something. I'm gonna make this quick because I know you staff are doing your jobs on the forums and not the actual game but that's ok we all slip up some times. So in skyblock in the walk way Premium only area there are two holes towards the end of it and tons of people I have fell in there with their good gear on and it has mad them very angry including me since I fell in there before with my best set on. So I just wanted to let you guys know that because it seems pretty easy to fix I mean it's only two one block holes. And if you are wondering why I don't have any screenshots or video proof it's because I'm not on my pc and I don't want to do anything "Serious" to the pc. Btw I know I should put this in the report section but I'm too lazy so I'll just say it now. There are lots of hackers on Ulti. I'm talking like at least 2 to 3 hackers on everyday.I don't have any proof because it's super easy to find them when you go to ulti. Welp cya peeps Red Dossy Dos is out.
  • The holes do need fixing on the skyblock server, I go on the server everyday and I have never seen one person fall down there unless they did it on purpose. No offence but unless you are a real clumsy player not many people would fall down there. Press the f2 button to take a screenshot of what you're talking about and also everyone knows there are hackers on ulti because every hacker on the server just got unbanned.

  • This is why /fly is bae.
  • obisidian i think only gets fly
    other ranks :P you just look up while you fall to your inevitable doom
  • Message removed by administrator.