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Dancraft Reset!?
  • Wait is Dancraft actually resetting? Like I thought people were only messing around but know everyones saying it. If Dancraft is resetting can someone please tell me if its a full reset or just certain games resetting. And also please could you tell me when reset is happening. Personally I don't think we should have a reset tbh, because for players who really enjoy certain games loosing there stuff is gonna have a massive impact on them especially if it took them a while to get certain things on there.

    Staff is there is a reset please make a forums post about it telling us what is resetting and when its resetting, Coolio ;).
  • thankfully :D
  • Who said there's a reset? I actually don't know, but Dan or Kubs never said anything about a reset (For all I know).
  • Wait you want reset? BleachGANG
  • Tina I know I never heard staff say this but everyones mentioning it for some reason.
  • It has not been confirmed, though we really do need some sort of reset.
  • Everything should be reset. It gets hella boring doing the same old crap everyday with no challenge.