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The Hacker Catcher Is Back On!
  • Hello lovely Dancraft players, I use to play Dancraft a while back but the server interests have gone down hill for me. But the past is the past, I'm coming back to try to get rid of the all those bad hackers and hopefully in the future take care of them in my own hands. I hope to see more old dancraft members re-joining the server for another consideration. Let Dancraft become what it ONCE WAS!!!

    Yours Truly, StormyBlizzard The Hacker Catcher.
  • Never heard of ya... This is comin from a guy who's been here since late v1. Nevertheless, welcome back. Good luck, you've got a lot of people to record. This server's gone to shit due to lack of staff interaction. But with the new update that's supposedly coming out, maybe things will change...
  • Oh shit it's dat boi!!
  • yeah, if youre gonna ban ALL the hackers, youre gonna have alotta work to do :P
  • Are you trying to reach mod? lol :'D
  • Good luck. I'm not sure if DC will ever reach it's former glory, Dan has become desperate enough to utilize some sort of plugin makes it seem like there are more players on than there currently are.