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Some of my suggestions for OpPvP, and the Ulti servers.
  • OK Dan Craft, I think we should fix the Ender Chest glitch in the Ulti servers. I think we should because people are losing loot that is in there Ender Chest. For instance, i lost 7 diamonds that I gained by PvPing, I was very sad. I think its time to stop the Ender Chest glitch in Ulti-01 and Ulti-02. Also, another suggestion is can you please fix the anvils on OpPvP, Ulti-01, and Ulti-02?
    I think if we fix the Ender Chest glitch, more people would be playing the Ulti servers. Thanks for reading my suggestions.
  • Ofc they should but they won't because Kubsz/Dan doesn't do anything for the server since it's dead.
  • And, they won't put in the time to fix it lol