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Applying for staff
  • I been on this long enough to know that their is to many complaints and hackers going on. If I were to be a staff or I would call myself a helper, I would help improve this server by helping people and getting rid of the hackers for good. It would be nice to have a active helper on dancraft and I could do that for you. Kubsz even if you don't read this you should just figure this out by now that your server needs some extra helpers. I would love to help and help get all those hackers banned :) If you do read this please think about this. I don't need like powerful command with the world edit and such things like that. I would just be having the /ban /tempban /mute and that other stuff. if you do trust me about this you can always keep in watch to see who I ban and such. I like how you made resets on some of the servers but you should add some staff then also :} thx for reading this!
  • Shut up I would be a better mod then u
  • TheCuteDuckling, I think Jimmy would be a better mod than you in any case.
  • kys Henry fucking shitposter
  • Currently Dancraft is not recruiting for any Staff Members due to previous events. Also this probably not the right format to apply as a Staff Member. Lastly when you said, "I don't need like powerful command with the world edit and such things like that. I would just be having the /ban /tempban /mute and that other stuff." That is very cheesy of how you stated you would just be having fun. This show's your lack of knowledge of knowing what it takes to become a staff member or you are not committed to becoming a staff member and only wanting staff commands.
  • StormyBlizzard, I would like ask how you may know that Dancraft doesn't want any Staff? Have you personally be talking with Dan?
  • Dan had issues with Staff members in the past, I am not 100% sure about Dan wanting to staff members. what I can say is Dancraft does need some true Staff Members. Also If Dan wanted staff members to get rid of those hackers and rule breakers, he would have done something. I think your question should have been, "StormyBlizzard, I would like ask how you may know that Dancraft doesn't need any Staff(Changed want to need)?
  • Dan had issues with the staff members, @StormyBlizzard but this does not mean he is not recruiting, he is looking for hard-working over 16 year old(s) that are willing to give up time (they will be payed) this does not mean he is not recruiting, I asked Kubsz a few weeks ago and he said that they are making a list of all of the people that may have a chance of being staff. Good luck Jimmy :). Try to be active in-game as well because he does not accept applications. Thanks for the help, @StormyBlizzard :)
  • @_Valiant_ I have spoken to Kubsz asking him to recruit staff, He said it isn't up to him, Therefore I find it impossible that Dan is indeed recruiting staff.
  • @_xIPandaCritzIx_ thank you for the information that you had brought up. Also @_Valiant_, We are not sure if he recruiting staff members that have to be 16 years old and up, but we do know we need hard working ones. I doubt Kubsz or Dan are making a list of players that have a chance of becoming a staff member. From experiences when I applied to become staff(Not saying the server as it can lead to advertising) I had to do application with a format(which is not available on Dancraft currently). The Staff member recruiting had to accept my application then send me to a interview(which was Teamspeak), which I had to go speak with a higher authority and they had to accept me to become staff. I don't know how it work here on Dancraft to become staff, but what I can say is making forums about wanting to become staff is not the way to go. I suggest helping report, making server suggestions and offering what is possible in your position(which is a member/donor) for the server.
    Thank you @xIPandaCritzlx_ and @_Valiant_ for your contributions.
    Sincerely StormyBlizzard
  • dan likes succs and i think we all know where i am heading with this