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TheCuteDuckling hacking WITH PROOF!
  • Dear Administrator; I am the parent of the below mentioned user "aNICKmations" - he has just brought the below discrepancy to my attention. As I am trying to understand what has transpired can you please explain what "unauthorized client" he was supposedly using. He said he was using "optifine" to boost the frames per second on his new computer. Is "Optifine" unauthorized? He didn't think it was. He wouldn't have done so otherwise. As I said he just got a new gaming computer for Christmas and as seeing how to optimize it. We have spent hundreds of dollars on your server and feel we deserve more of an explanation and a hopeful unbanning so he can continue to enjoy gaming on your server. Would you kindly respond to my requests. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Linda M.


    aNICKmations January 6 Edit
    So, apparently, after trying to test my new computer on Christmas to see how it ran minecraft, I come back on on New Year's and I'm apparently permabanned?! For HACKING?! I only had optifine to see that sweet 100 fps on my new computer, and now I'm banned? This is complete bull... Schnitzel... and I DEMAND to be unbanned. I did absolutely NOTHING wrong and don't deserve this kind of treatment.
    And by the way, my latest name is JustAParakeet

    Kubsz January 9
    You were caught using an unauthorised client in-game by a member of staff.

    Appeal denied.