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  • Fuck me daddy, eat my dick

    IP: pvp.nukepit.com
    Once you're online type /vote, /rules & /discord
    Then fuck off
  • Once you're online log off and never do anything ever again
  • XD banned me niqnog
  • You were hacking, AAC detected it lmfao
    ik dancraft is hackcraft but my server isn't like dancraft so git gud kek
  • pretty nice server, somehow gets less players than dancraft even though its better xdddd
  • @L33T lmao I joined with hacks as I was joining dancraft then I looked on this forums to see this IP so I cba to changed versions so I just joined and that so yeah kid
  • Yeah, this server was full of hackers from time to time. But back then it wasn't often, as far as I can remember.
  • better add me on namemc
