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Story of Dan and Kubsz
  • Once upon a time there were 2 filthy niggers known as Dan and Kubsz. They used to be active and ban those filthy niggerfaggot cheaters as well as update the server. They decided they needed money for CS:GO skins about 8-10 months ago and decided to keep paying small amounts of money for the server to be hosted so they could double their money when stupid 10 year olds donated for obsidian rank.
    The last known site of dan was 2 months ago in one of kubsz's fucking csgo videos : https://youtu.be/tEMEaf4g_9w.
    Kubsz has since then started to play overwatch: https://youtu.be/Vsrh6t7mLIo

    Now they keep the server up just because they can. To be honest they don't give 2 shits about Minecraft anymore, which is fine, play other games. But don't go scamming kids out of their parent's money because they think they are on an awesome server (dont get me wrong it was once great but it has gone into the toilet) but in reality they just blew fucking money on just a generic Minecraft network with a shitty factions, a shitty kit-pvp, a shitty skyblock, a shitty prison, a shitty pvp gamemode called ulti, and a fucking shit-tastic op pvp. The reason they are all fucking shit? OH YEAH THEY HAVEN'T BEEN EVEN UPDATED SINCE DECEMBER 4TH of 2015 WHEN THE LAST MAJOR SERVER UPDATE HAPPENED THAT UPDATED THE GAMEMODES AND FIXED BUGS. Between 2015-all of 2016 they added prison and changed some ranks around. Wow a fucking prison server, that shit literally had a lot of players for a few months but after that there are only like 5 people on. Dan and kubsz what the fuck?! But they still allow cheaters to roam the server. It was worth me buying diamond about a year ago but I regret my decision.
  • nigger
  • Whoaaaa, Kubsz plays OW? If you're reading this, Kubsz, hit me up w/ that invite. iLiekRice#11384
  • acx fucking gay-ass negro stale dusty bitch.