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Read this Kubsz... if you're still there in the closet
  • You should make a "Apply for moderator/admin" page on the dancraft website where people can apply to help the server.
    It would be a good idea for this so we wouldnt have as many cheaters.
    And plus it would grow the community 10x the size it is.

    Helpful Suggestion - Nick [aka VerzideOwO]
  • just say something if you agree
    ty <3
  • not quite sure that would resolve many problems
  • Add me on BNet iLiekRice#11384
  • The reason why there aren't hiring any staff members is that some staff members would probably grief the server and then just leave, and that is annoying for Dan and Kubs because they would have to roll back the entire server, and it is just a pain to recover everything that they have done.
  • If you were to hire more staff you would have to find people you can trust