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How to Fix Dancraft. (Discord, Events, Advertising)

    Dancraft has been very inactive for a long, long time.

    The only ways to fix it is first of all, get a fucking grip Dan. You pay to host this server, act like it. Fix these bugs, and let people volunteer to be admins for free.

    And we as the community have to be active. Maybe there could be a Dancraft discord with events so that we could all be on together instead of just being a boring empty server.

    Bring back voting so Dancraft can be listed on server websites. This helps A LOT. Voting is a huge part of any small server as it makes the server visible for new players.

    list more suggestions in comments.
  • waiting for the ironic "dancraft is dead" comments
    waiting for the double ironic "dancraft is dead comments"
  • it's a stupid minecraft server. go socialize.
  • Dan is to fucking lazy to even try and fix DC at this point, no one is coming back, face it... DC died a long time ago.