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Recreation? Management? Development?
  • I agree with @ronaldo917917. The community (even though its not entirely the old players we used to game with) has been growing in population. It is a subtle increase but it still is progress. We, the people who still are apart of the Dancraft server, are hoping that it is under management for the enderchest situation and/or recreation of the server itself. If so, it would be greatly appreciated to get some incite or a progress report on what is going on so that we are aware and prepared for any scenarios that we will come into contact with. It is understood that there is some type of management monitoring the forums (I believe because of the "Message removed by administrator"- unless it is automatically done which I sorta doubt), so for the sake of the server and the people still participating on it we need details and information about what is happening.
    - Thank you,
  • I think dan stopped paying his hosting server...
  • It's the middle of the month. I' pretty sure it would end at the end of this month (August), Unless they go by the date he started..
  • I think it's offline but not shut down, Reason I say this is when a server is closed The symbol that shows the picture is usually a black and white world and it says "Unknown Server".
  • You misused "Recreation".