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NEW Announcement From Dan | Last Day To Join Discord

  • Last Day to Join Dancraft's Official Discord Server Is 7/30/2017 !

    If you want to participate, make sure to join at the link below, or check out the full instructions on the most recent announcement on the forums!

    Read Dan's announcement here: https://www.dancraft.net/discussion/7709/dancraft-discussion-discord-server#Item_13

    Skyblock is fixed as of 7/26/2017

    Let's Be Patient!

    It is indeed sad to see everyone's hard work and long hours of gameplay to be erased. However, lets all be happy about the fact that Dan is still taking care of the server.
    I myself thought this was the end, the one we all dreaded. Barely any players online, an infestation of cheaters, and no mods to look out for the rest of us who play fair. We, the remaining fans who truly believe in the server, only logged on and waited in fear, as things got worse every day. However, after we saw Dan online in the server console, we can finally be relieved.
    We should all be happy and patient for the greatness that is to come soon. Surely enough, old friends will reunite, many new friends will be made, and we will all have a great time! Just like the good old days!

    For those who are new to the news, here are some words from Dan:

    "Dancraft update in the works..."

    "Clean slate update is what I'm working on - I'm genuinely sorry for letting Dancraft reach this "point""

    "I'm off now but you should see some posts from me on the forums sometime this week"

    In the meantime, I encourage all of you to spread the word, and stay tuned on the forums for any future updates!



    Creds to ronaldo917917 for some screenshots

  • :Clap Hands:
  • Not trying to sound like a downer but, Dan really should have taken care of his server more. He paid for it monthly he should have acted like it. I mean is it really that hard to Change the weekly deals in Skyblock or Take this stupid Christmas sale off? No. I mean I'd glad that he's trying to fix it. But all I am saying is he should have just done this weekly. Not the reset of course but the rest.
  • fuck danstoogood
  • ^agreed
  • I agree TheCuteDuckling, He should be more engaged with the server and the people playing. A few mods being active even just a few hours a day would bring this server back to life. Hopefully he knows that and will try to fix that problem.
  • He should just shut the server down jesus christ.
  • LSTIDNTY, why do you think that? He should do whatever he thinks is right.
  • roblux iz betr
  • ^autism101
  • NoFuxGiven it's a dead server on a dying game, I'm not sure how much Dan pays a month to host the server but it's definitely not worth it.
  • LSTIDNTY, the fact that its a dying game is true. However, the server is still online, and he plans on keeping it online based on his return. If he wants to keep it online then that means its worth it for him in some way, don't you think? I doubt he pays for the server out of pocket. My guess is that money from donations keeps it alive, and because the server is dead now, there are no donations, meaning no money to keep the server up. Starting over/ making an update would bring more players, more donations, and the server would be up covered to stay online, and maybe he gets to keep some cash that doesn't get used for the server hosting. Nothing bad about that. Whatever his drive is, I personally think he should keep it going.
  • Skyblock islands are now fixed!

  • Last Day to Join Dancraft's Official Discord Server Is 7/30/2017 !

    If you want to participate, make sure to join at the link below, or check out the full instructions on the most recent announcement on the forums!