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Staff Application Discussion
  • Just to clarify something for the community of Dancraft and new players joining the server, you may not do Staff Applications due to the fact of Dan not being a big fan of the community staff teams, he thinks that in most cases they do more harm than good, and on top of that a staff member can easily damage the reputation by either abusing, griefing, using vulgar language, and that can affect the entirety of the server.

    There is also one more reason why you should not apply, there is not even a FORMAT, in order to be able to actually get staff, you need to follow a format given to the player if they want to apply or not, but Dancraft doesn't have one, so why would you waste your own time making a staff application when there is no format. Now you are all probably gonna say that you can make your own format's, but, it would be better for you to ask people that have played this server for a long period of time. I have said this a lot on other's thread and I wanted to clarify that staff applications are NOT open.
  • Hello! I have seen that there are not very many staff in the Dancraft community, and I want to help and be one of them.
    Age: 5
    Skype: Yes.
    TeamSpeak: Yes.
    Country: USA

    "What motivated me to be on the staff team?" Well, on Dancraft, there have been A LOT of hackers lately, and there aren't very many staff on Dancraft right now to deal with them. And, Dancraft was one of my first servers.. EVER... and I would like to be staff on it because I understand a lot of things about Dancraft. I would like to help the newcomers that come on Dancraft, so they understand how to play Factions, or Ulti, ETC. That's what motivated me :P

    "Why should you choose me?" You should choose me because I am very mature, and have played dancraft for ages and since my cousin is a hacker I have learned how to spot them.
    I also have some experience with being a staff, (Mineplex) and I have learned not to abuse admin powers So I hope that YOU accept me to be a staff member on Dancraft!
  • @Markowl
    Maybe you should read @Disciplinez 's post again.
  • Maybe you should read my post again. Why the hell would a 5 year apply for staff, let alone be able to type something like this. If you've been on this server/forum for as long as I have, you'd see that I copied and pasted this from someone else's application.