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To Dan.
  • I have spent lots of money on Skyblock on Crate keys. I certainly demand that you Keep skyblock, give my money back OR give me the crate keys if you demand on reset. If you reset and not give me keys or ANYTHING, I will turn you in to a website that make sure you are giving people what they purchase. I should have my items or my crate keys until I'm dead. You have to keep your side of the deal. Lots of people have bought crate keys. I suggest you go through the purchases of crate keys on ANY server and give those people money back, Keep the server, OR give it to them it in the next newest VERSION.
  • I some what agree
  • You realize right that every server does the exact same thing. Your not going to get skyblock no reset just because you decided to spend money on keys. Look at The Archon, there are players spending thousands on keys and when it resets they just do it again. So shut up and stop complaining.
  • Heh agree with duckling. and thats a first for me..
  • Everything must reset to get a fresh start you know.