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Appeal for unban
  • IGN: CaSeShOtS
    Ban duration: Permanent
    Ban reason: Intentional Bug Abuse/Glitch (adding in-game currency by using alternate accounts)
    Date issued: Wednesday, August 23 - 2017

    I believe that what i did was wrong but what i dont get was i did this in the past and i never got banned this was before the reset. And i saw dancraft reset on my servers list and the first thing i did was /rules in game and i didnt see alting (most servers do and i assumed they would have it there) so since it wasnt a rule i did it it wasnt until i had 700k that i realized the legit people/richest were at 1mil and i stopped but i do agree that what i did was wrong and i understand the consequences of my actions but i was hoping that you could just wipe my account clean and unban me. (since i dont check the forums and it was after the fact i was banned that i did check the forums) also to whoever reads this i used to record on dancraft and try to catch hackers the name of the channel is CaSeShOtS MC and i would like to record a series again or start and i was hoping dancraft would be the start i love everything about ulti and hope for the best for the server and thanks for reading hopefully i will get a second chance - CaSeShOtS
    To both the appealing player and other community members reading this appeal. The result of this appeal (and others from this time/issue) is because of multiple factors. Such as:
    Many players who abused this glitch were not aware of the consequences as previously, whilst still against the rules, it was not an offence we commonly sanctioned for (we do now)
    Our /rules command did not link to the dancraft.net rules page
    We have only updated our rules to make this less of a "gray area" recently

    In future players will receive a permanent ban that cannot be appealed along with relevant resets (balance, islands, enderchests, alternate accounts, etc).

    Your sanction has been removed.
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