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Banned for Dan mistake
  • You dont care about the server, look the new maps they are trash, the plugins are shit (web plugins) with the money the server already made you could have bought an entire plugin for the server (new website and lot more stuff) , you left the server for more than 1 year, then you came back and made more shit, if you cant configure properly your server, you shouldn't have one, the skyblock bug isn't a bug, look the bug definition if you dont know

    A defect or imperfection, as in a mechanical device, computer program, or plan; glitch:
    The test flight discovered the bugs in the new plane.

    The shop prices arent defect, they show how much you care about the server, you cant even know who supposed glitched money, you had to make a form to players submit reporting other players, what isn't cool, because players on your server are kids and bootlickers on you, so everything you say, they make ,thinking they will create a friendship with you, you dont event say hi to them when you join. (lol dumb kids)

    And the server is Pay to Win, if you dont buy rank and stuff you cant play because a ranked player will kill you (a big team of ranked people), and if you say shit they will start targeting, and you are breaking EULA agreement
    Eula agreement: https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1590522-minecraft-commercial-use

    Going to the point, you dont care about your server , you just want to make money, and have a lot of bugs, and people cant play because its Pay to win, so when someone found a supposed glitch you came and show your power (you needed everyone helps to ban who used the supposed glitch)
    And i got banned because someone reported me (GayToad), for tookingg advante on your mistake, (not a bug) its your mistake, and i want to be unbanned, if not im reporting the server for breaking EULA agreement.

    Do not take it personally, I just think if you're not going to take care of the server and do it right it should not exist
    Nick: UvUvUvU
    obs: english isnt my first language
  • Appeal denied:
    Players who have received permanent sanctions are players who demonstrated an attempt to "conceive" their profits from abuse of the exploit (e.g. using alternate accounts, etc).

    (Your English is great! That said, an appeal should explain in honesty your perspective of a situation and demonstrate some form of remorse. It shouldn't try to excuse your wrongdoing through putting the blame on others or the server itself)
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