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I'm banned, help me, help me, HELP ME BY READING THIS AND UNBANNING MEH
  • This is my story. I JOKED and repeatedly said JK after i ronaldo said we wrere neighbors. and i said i have an idea! lets make a tnt cannon JK xD. then ronaldo destroyed my entire 100+ block long island i buit that i built. so, i placed a few tnt blocks, well my freind did, but i asked him to. ON MY ISLAND. i was not even added to his so i put it on mine, since he destroyed my bridge. i destroyed 15 blocks, two mins worth of work for him. he destroyed 20-60 mins of work on my island, since i added him. then i blew up 15 blocks. morale? islands are too close, and me and my friend gingertoad should be UNBANNED.
    I have a screenshot of what he did.



    The bridge went WAY farther back, and was destroyed completely, i had to bridge over to get back. lava was everywhere.

    Ronaldo saying hes gonna blow me up, he actually started the platform. my islands most likely blown up now, but idk i can't check because im BANNED.
    Oh and sorry about GingerToad threating yall.
    To both the appealing player and other community members reading this appeal. The result of this appeal (and others from this time/issue) is because of multiple factors. Such as:
    Many players were not aware this was a "glitch" - Skyblock has previously blocked the usage of TNT, etc
    Many players who abused this glitch were not aware of the consequences as previously, whilst still against the rules, it was not an offence we commonly sanctioned for as it was hard to prove (we do now)
    Our /rules command did not link to the dancraft.net rules page

    Your sanction has been removed.
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