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timmyextreme576 & Hexogons
  • IGN(s): timmyextreme576 & Hexogons
    Rule(s) Infringed: Intentional Bug Abuse
    Brief Explanation: timmyextreme576 & Hexogons were ghosting in Dangames and gave away my position.
    Date: Monday, September 4, 2017
    Evidence: https://imgur.com/uKgsaXv

    As you can see in this photo, timmyextreme576 gives away my position (since he is a spectator). Hexogons finds me (as clearly seen in the photo).
  • Hey!

    It seems as if you put this report in the wrong section, It would be best if you were to create a new one in the "Report" category
  • I didn't even know you could get banned for this neither did timmy its not in the rules and if dan made a public announcement talking about it I wasn't there for it. If its something people just know than eh. :)
  • We're reviewing reports tomorrow but I'd like to clarify that this isn't against the rules at the current moment in time (we may change this in future). Thread closed.
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