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Should ghosting be a punishable offense (Dangames)?
  • In response to: General - timmyextreme576 & Hexogons

    Before I get started, I do not intend this thread to specifically target timmyextreme576 and Hexogons.

    In this thread, I will discuss why ghosting should be a punishable offense in Dangames.

    Ghosting should be a punishable offense because if you are trying to hide, someone spectating can give the seeker exact information on where people are located. This defeats the soul purpose of Dangames because this game is essentially survival games. People who ghost make the game a lot easier for seekers and more difficult to those who are hiding. Because of ghosting, some people are at a significant advantage as compared to those who play fairly. Every player begins a Dangame with a compass. A compass is for finding people. What is the purpose of adding a compass if people ghost? There is no point. Overall, ghosting should not be allowed on Dangames and should be a rule.

    I think I have made my point pretty clear as to why ghosting should not be allowed. Please leave your ideas below. Also, vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/13863883.
  • Hello,

    I would have to agree to this @Darkdortito319, I think this should be because your dead, I also think being in a communication call towards players (discord Skype etc.) should not be allowed if in the same game. I know people are gonna comment and be like Icwy? why? Its just not fair to ghost.

    Have a amazing day! :)