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  • so this has no real purpose or effect but i think it would be nice. so in game we can get trails and as far as i know dancraft has had the same trails forever.
    i think it would be nice to maybe get some new trails, like different particles or if you really wanted to have hot trails do the ones like a cloud over your head for those depressing days. or one of those mineplex ones ya know? also same goes for the chat color. i kinda think it would be cool to get some new chat colors like lime and stuff. yeah if you made it this far hi.

    *cough* your making helper ranks and greem knows how to do these things *cough*
  • LOL but I like the idea
  • I think that people should be able to do /exchange 25000 and they would lose 25k, but get 25 credits!
    That would be lit, since there is very little ways to get credits
  • thAts sNaZZy
  • I'm pretty sure the cloud thing and the Mineplex trails are from EffectLib, so ask him to get that
  • I like the idea of the "cloud over your head for depressing days". I'd use that alot haha
  • I used to play on a server where u could walk around and there would be diamond blocks beneath you, there also could be diamonds raining from a cloud from above.
  • Footiedan that would be dope too
  • @FootieDan thats just a trails plugin, i've used it before, it's pretty cool but not really lit.