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Clear Mobs After Cornucopia is Finished!
  • Can you please Do a Clear Mobs After Maybe 10 mins Of when Cornucopia is Over These spiders climb the walls And this one time i was at the edge of the Arena and theirs spiders climbing the barrier blocks i was at the edge and some how the spider managed to hit me into the arena I Wouldn't say clear mobs after its finished because The point of the mobs is to get you away from the chest in the cornucopia but i mean after everyone got everything and looted everything witch takes less than 10 mins but to make sure id say 10 mins from when the cornucopia started
  • Hey!

    I like this idea, seems like it would be a great addition to ulti. I recommend you input your idea via this link: https://www.dancraft.net/suggest.

    Have a great day :)
  • why the hell mini-mod