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My Appeal.
  • So recently I got muted.. IrrelivantKevin reported me. He always harrases me and is always super rude to me. I say one bad thing he spams it for the rest of his life.. Hes making my life a hell hole and I can't take this. These guys always threaten me and are always super rude to me. If you could review all the chat logs you would understand the arguments we got into. I didn't start these arguements these guys always did and they took a screenshot and I didn't because I'm not a snitch. If you could unmute me it would be very much appreciated. https://prnt.sc/glx0i4
    Because of this I've gotten angrier and angrier and so now the community hates me.. https://prnt.sc/glx2uw
  • Thread closed as sanction has expired.

    Please make a new appeal if this is not the case.
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