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False banned due to my friends account linked to my ip, and he got banned.
  • I have emailed this to, so i get unbanned as fast as possible cause i want to play Minecraft.

    Hey Dan,

    I was false banned on your server Dancraft due to my friend coming over last week and playing minecraft on my computer on his account, I can understand why you would ban me because hes account is linked to my IP from when he came over. So he got banned today at his house, and now I am banned on my account RushHork. Hes account name is NachNeichoJr. So can I please be unbanned? I was not hacking and I do not own that account ‘NachoNeichoJr’. So as I was saying this is a false ban on my account ‘RushHork’.

    Thank you for your time.

    From RushHork
  • Thread closed as sanction has expired.

    Please make a new appeal if this is not the case.
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