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Application for Staff
  • I put appeal because there is no application category. Here we go.

    I am a 12 year old boy from Canada. I have been playing this server for about 3-4 years. I am rank emerald. Remember when iron was a rank? I do.
    I love this server and have played on it a lot, and I just want to help out the best of the best.
    As you may know, currently there are 2 staff members, which isn't enough to run a server this good.

    What makes me different from other appliers?

    I am rational, I am now mature, I am honest and will report anyone with /report if they are doing wrong. If I end up muting anybody, I'll pick a reasonable time. I will be very careful with the banning, and I know when to and when not to.

    Do you have any experience with being staff on Minecraft?

    Yes, I've been staff on 4 servers, which I won't name for some obvious reasons. I was moderator, admin, helper, and again moderator. I ended up quiting the most recent position about 4 months ago as a helper, because the staff team was very rude. I have found many cheaters, and many rule breakers. I have been trusted many times.

    Why do you want this position?

    Why? Because, I love this server, and I want to make it a better place. So many people break the rules and I can't do anything but report. I want to take action ASAP so I can keep this wonderful server clean.


    I may be young, but I can spell correctly, I am mature, I am honest and I am caring. I have amazing ideas I want to share, and I have an amazing time each time I press join on Dancraft. I can't believe how much it has grown, and I want to make it grow more with a gigantic step over the ravine of hate and make a bridge for everyone to cross over and be peaceful with each other.

    Thank you for the awesome times, and hopefully more to come.

  • Thank you for taking the time to make a staff application. Unfortunately Dancraft doesn't have a player staff team. Keep your eyes open for opportunities in our future "Helper" scheme.
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