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  • This is so extra.
  • @ReskinGetsRekt This type of behaviour from both you (on the forums) and the players "accused" is unacceptable. I'd firstly like to say, if you are in any way feeling suicidal or having questionable thoughts, please speak to a guardian or call 1-800-273-8255 (US National Suicide Hotline).

    We have recently further clarified in our rules (click here) that "griefing", scamming and other related activities are prohibited on the Dancraft Network and punishable. The most sensible thing to do in this situation would be to submit a report for the incident here. This way the users involved will receive sanctions and any false accusations players are making against you won't have any creditability.

    If you need help making a report, please respond to this post and we can help you out.
  • i really dont
    its too late
    i got banned
    i dont care.
  • banned from that incedent