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False banned?
  • Hellooo. My ign is haaaaker, in this week i have been banned 2 times. One of them was a 5hour this one is perm... First time i got banned i joined skyblock and started building a gold farm. And i got banned placing cobble. This time i got banned for joining ulti and ''afking'' in spawn. I swear that i joined and afked spawn. I was not on the server more than like 20 15 minutes and i got insta banned for standing there. I went in pvp once to kill a enchanted guy that was killing my friend. we had a fair fight and i just got out alive. I got out with 2 hearts. then the second u know i got banned for hacking. I think there is something wrong with the ban thingy. Ill be happy to be Unbanned -- Haaaaker
  • After a thorough investigation into your account, we have concluded that your sanction was not false.

    Your appeal has been denied.
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