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Credits to Balance and Balance to Credits?

  • Credits to Balance

    A lot of us know we love earning balance and even credits. Most of us love spending our balance on a lot of the game servers on DanCraft but...a lot of us don't really get the point of using credits?
    Credits are mostly used to buy trails at the moment and soon there might be a credit store on the way. Now don't assume me for anything but I honestly don't wan't credits and want more ways to exchange my credits to balance. I really don't want trails because particles are always turned off on my PC.

    Maybe there can be a plugin or something implemented to exchange my credits to balance?
    I'm more of a fan to balance either way because I save up and spend it on some really cool things.

    Balance to Credits

    A lot of us hear some good things coming out for credits but is there a way we can possibly exchange our balance to credits?
    Most of us are gaining a lot of balance and possibly wan't to maybe trade it in for credits to maybe spend it on trails or even this really amazing credit store coming soon?

    Tell me what you think in the comments!

    What would you like to see in this upcoming soon credit store! List in the comments below!


  • It would be better to post this @ https://dancraft.net/suggestions