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I hack???
  • I dont Know xNinjaPandashit or something say i hacking but i dont hacking look att that vidio its no hacks
  • Maybe you want to check your internet connection and watch the video. You clearly have anti knockback. Denying the fact that you are hacking when you obviously were will just issue an even longer ban. Just admit it, you probably won't get banned anyways. Also, please don't use inappropriate language, think about all the young ones. "xNinjaPandaSh!t"? Really? That's so immature. I have my conclusion! You are one of those "young ones". Grow up please.
  • Hi, I am no moderator, ostkakan, I am japzhu. ''You are clearly using anti knockback'' please don't hackusulate. If he was then he will get banned, if he isn't then he wont. However if he is and he's denying it he will infact get a longer sanction.
  • Okay little moderator impersonator. First off, hackusulate isn't a word last time I check, I believe you mean hackusate. Before insulting me please learn to spell. Also, I am not hackusating. Hackusating would be me saying "ostkakan is using anti kb! or "ostkakan is hackng"! "You clearly have anti knockback is not hackusating, so don't tell me to not hackusate when you have no idea what it even is. Also, if I am explaining what is happening in the video, that's not hackusating. Now fuck off little mini mod, you ruin the server for us. Even got Dan's skin, smh. ;-;
  • Yes, you're using anti-kb. Or you need way better connection.. but yeah japzhu I'd suggest not to try to be like Dan, and don't try to be staff or that's possibly bannable. And other cases try not to copy peoples comments or status?. And chromify, everything you said is cool, but one of your comments a while ago said, "please watch language think of the kids". But you just said f off to him? Just try to remember there's younger kids on here too! have fun and have a good day! :)