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RunItsThePoice Unauthorised Client Modification
  • IGN: RunItsThePoice
    Server: ULTI-01
    Reason: Unauthorised Client Modification

    Note: Look at 10 seconds in the video, he runs whilst eating a golden apple.
    A few people gave the idea that it could be Lagg, however I was not lagging which would have made it appear as if the player was running whilst eating the gapple, the Player was lagging if anything, if so that would not make it so he appeared to Lagg forward but instead lagg'd back which clearly did not happen in the video suggesting the mod no slow down was being used at the time. If Lagg did occur, it happened after the sprint had happened, there was now glitching in movement until the sprint was over which could have been a method used to prevent bans and to use "Lagg" as an excuse. The player is also using an alternate account with their main account being DoctorSh1t as admitted in chat, after he first claimed he was not using the account then once he was shown the video he confessed that he was not once denying he was using hacks but instead continuing to curse and insult me as per usual.
  • Thank you for submitting a report.

    Unfortunately, the provided evidence is not sufficient.
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