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Striker247 Grief
  • Striker247 Has griefed our SkyBlock. He took over 1.8 Million in-game money's worth of spawners! To be specific, here are the spawners he took:

    2 Pig Spawners.
    2 Mushroom Cow Spawners.
    1 Chicken Spawner.
    One Slime Spawner.
    One Sheep Spawner.

    If you could punish him that would be great. But I would mainly like our spawners back!
    He tried to fake mute me as well. He also griefed our island in general. We have patched up most of the blocks he broke. But it wasn't necessary, he is notorious for griefing. He has griefed others as well e.g. xAzeem and so on...

    Kind Regards,
    Your biggest fan, DanCraftYT.
  • Thank you for submitting a report.

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