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Should I kill myself or should I commit suicide?
  • DanCraft should add a new statement to the server rules, saying :

    "Telling people you want to kill yourself, or expressing any suicidal tendencies in chat or in forums will result in a permanent ban."

    For crying out loud, there are young kids playing on the server. They don't need to know about all of this. If you need attention or help, go seek it somewhere else. Not on a Minecraft forum. No one wants to go online every day and have to read about kids killing themselves, and then have the whole chat/forum fill up with :
    "nooo dont"
    "(insert name) you have so much to live for"
    "It will get better"
    "But we care"
    "You are beautiful"
    "We are here for you"
    "You are so strong and brave"

    It's honestly getting annoying at this point.

    This is not a suicide hotline. So don't treat it like one.
  • I can see where you're coming from but a permanent ban? That's a little harsh..
  • You probably don't realise but when someone who is suicidal does that, it's a cry for help, they feel like they want to die but they want to live too, but they need someone to help them get through the situation and to make them feel their life is worth living. But then when people like you complain and make the situation worse that's when lives get lost.

    I understand it's annoying to see it constantly but try to ignore it and understand their point of view.
  • I agree. This is not a server or forums page to tell people that type of stuff. But a permanet ban is a little much.
  • Why even a punishment lol
    It should be if you tell someone ELSE to kill THEMSELVES a ban, not yourself.
  • You ignorant pieces of shit, people shouldn't be punished for asking for help
  • None of us are saying people should be punished for asking for help? We're just saying that a permanent ban seems a little harsh..
    I fully agree with Trusting though, myself, I don't mind whatever goes on in the chat, but for some people, there is a /ignore command for a reason if people don't wish to see such things said in chat.