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RusHxHorK Malicious Link
  • IGN: RusHxHorK
    Server: ULTI-01
    Reason: Malicious link sent in private message
    Evidence: https://gyazo.com/f4ca07f48e597c49547d2fb5683ede204

    Player messaged me the link with the word "Muted" at the end, in order to get my attention and make me want to click the link
    I proceeded to put the link through multiple link safety checkers and the results are shown below.

    https://gyazo.com/a89ab1bba2a4a0c5a51a37461333f6f3 Link Number one using the VirusTotal internet tool gave a community score of -452 out of a positive + rating scheme. And Kapersky Internet Security detected 2 bot engines on the link resulting in suspected malware connected to the link.

    https://gyazo.com/c14cd3ab07866bda4570fa15665f27fb Link Number two from ScanURL gave a similar warning recommending I do not click the link.

    There would be no reason for the player to send this link regardless or to send a link with potential malware on the other side of it. Akkilanne links are known in the community as screamer links for jump scares but have been used as such to contain other malicious intents.
  • Thank you for submitting a report.

    Unfortunately, the provided evidence is not found, did you send an incorrect link?
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