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/bin command in skyblock for unwanted items
  • I think a trash command would be really useful for skyblock. When I kill mobs I get tons of unwanted gear from them, and it's annoying to have to go back to my island in order to throw it into the void. /bin would be the shortest and easiest, but /trash or something similar would suffice. I'm not sure how the plug ins work so not sure if this is even possible, but it would be super helpful.
  • @admin Allow all players to make a Disposal sign maybe :P
  • a command like /sell would be more useful, as sometimes I'm in the spawn area and need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. also my island is as big as the limit now and takes forever to cross, would be easier to have it anywhere rather than a specific area like a sign chest
  • @jayfeather10100 Or, a chest on a shitload of key points on your island, all leading to a dropper in the centre with lava.