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Ok Dan What The Literal Hell.....
  • So i was sitting there on ulti , asking Dan why my rank jumped down from obby to diamond. I told Dan about my forum post proving i had the obby rank. Dan tells me to email payment support about my rank. Then he immediatly tells me to review your guys rules on client modifications, afterwards i immediatly get banned for UNAUTHORISED CLIENT MODIFICATIONS?!?!?!?!? Currently all i have on my MC is optifine..... Im guessing that he looked at the youtube video i posted on another thread... (showing proof i had the obby rank). I would like to know why he falsely banned me.... Also why i need to email payment support when i have video proof of my rank... Pls get back to me on this matter ASAP! Thx-michaelpong32
  • After a thorough investigation into your account, we have concluded that your sanction was not false.

    Your appeal has been denied.
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