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False Ban On Dancraft For Hacking
  • Hey Dan and Kubsz... I was false banned on Dancraft Ulti because I was using a client or hacking, but I actually wasn't cheating. I was permant ban On my HarryFarted account and then it connected to NachoNeicho so I was banned on two accounts that had ranks 1 diamond and 1 obsidian... https://gyazo.com/7b2053cc50da4170e78f14b6202cafa4 <---- HarryFarted --->https://gyazo.com/edda8729751c28d67e3f39f93114b36a <--- NachoNeicho Plz Unbann my two ranked accounts Dan And Kubsz plz I'm telling the truth I was not hacking at all. Thank you.
  • After a thorough investigation into your account, we have concluded that your sanction was not false.

    Your appeal has been denied.
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